February was a really busy month for me. I photographed fourteen portraits for my “Dudes with Beards” project and did 18 shoots in total. 3 of those were paying gigs and only one of those was really worth my time to be honest, but hey. Bills need to be paid right?
Did I reach my goal of shooting the final four images for my portfolio that I have been waxing lyrical about? Well; no. Things didn't work out that way and that’s okay. I did however finish one of those shoots and that is what I'm sharing today.
One of the concepts I came up with was photographing a Spanish Dancer and along with my good friend and awesome stylist, Pierre du Plessis, we refined it a little and set a date to go make some photos in Pretoria’s city center. Ultimately I wanted to shoot it in Johannesburg’s CBD, but scouting would’ve taken two trips and loads of gas money, so I decided to keep it close to home. The subject was my good friend and make-up artist (that has been partnering up with me for a while now), Missy van Heerden.
Spanish Dancing has been a passion of hers for 17 years. That’s a long damn time and I am super grateful she was on board for this shoot. So she organized some traditional dresses from her dancing instructor (thank you, whomever you are) that were 50 plus years old and all from Spain and we loaded up my car and made our way into the city.
I want to thank both Pierre & Missy for their time & effort. Pierre who played assistant as well as stylist, all whilst battling a summer cold and Missy for just effing WORKING it on the day with heavy dresses and the damn hot sun.
Anyway, I have blabbered long enough. Please enjoy the photos.

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