What Next?

Now that "Dudes with Beards" is on the back burner and the exhibition was well received, what's next? I am carrying on with the "DWB" project and when I get to a hundred I'd like to do a book, but right now that's just a pipe dream :) To be honest I am not too sure at the moment. I have some ideas, but I am being dismissive; thinking that it's not "good enough".

I have a Mamiya RB67 in my possession, so I am thinking I should do something with that, but again I am not sure. I think I should just go out and shoot something, anything, maybe do some street shooting to get the creative juices flowing.

For now though here are some BTS shots (done by my friend Ett Venter) of us putting up the prints for the exhibition. Thanks to him and his girlfriend; Shannon; for helping me out. Oh and the prints are for sale if Dudes with Beards are your thing; please note that some have been bought already, so just ask for availability.




noun /ˈkänfədəns/  /-fəˌdens/ 
confidences, plural

  1. A feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities

 Self-confidence does not necessarily imply 'self-belief' or a belief in one's ability to succeed. For instance, one may be inept at a particular sport or activity, but remain 'confident' in one's demeanor, simply because one does not place a great deal of emphasis on the outcome of the activity.

No, no, this is not a class on literature or how to spell confidence. It is something I struggled (and sometimes still struggle) with on a regular basis. I've really only recently felt more steadfast in my abilities as a photographer/creative/artist or whatever adjective you'd like to use.

Now the above paragraph for self-confidence I kind of agree with, but only a little. I place a great deal of emphasis on the outcome of my photography and if I feel I failed then obviously my confidence gets its ass kicked a little. I also don't feel that I am inept, but I do however feel I haven't even scratched the surface with my photography and where my skill set is. That's my own fault though.

Just this morning I saw this quote again from an amazing photographer and artist - Jeremy Cowart - "I’ve found that my confidence as a photographer is directly connected to how often I’m shooting. In other words, keep shooting." And I realized after this weekend just how true that statement is. I shot some live band photography this weekend (something those who know me, know I love and it's also the thing that got me into photography). I sucked though! And I can blame the venue and the lighting and whatever, but the truth of the matter is, I haven't been shooting bands often enough and developing my skills in that area.

I am still however feeling very confident, coz I know where the issues lie. In myself and that's okay. I've been practicing other skills and getting good results and I am happy. I just finished my personal project Dudes with Beards and the exhibition is on Friday. And last weekend I had one of the best shoots of my life thus far. I am happy to share the photos of that shoot with you here today.

I have another personal project in mind and I'll hopefully get that ball rolling in the next week or two. I'm excited. 

PS: I've been featured! How awesome is that? Me?! Hell, I don't feel I deserve it, but I am stoked. Thanks to I Love Pretoria and Mixed Apples for your time. I am truly blessed.

Without further ado, here is the portrait shoot with John. 

Thanks for reading